woman logging into her website from a laptop - WordPress Security

How to Make Your WordPress Website More Secure Right Now!

We all know that online security is a very important factor to running a business online (or at least we should). There is nothing worse then having to deal with a hacked website that damages your credibility and gets you blacklisted on Google search. If you are running a WordPress website here are a few…

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How to Set Up A Staging Environment for WordPress Sites

Why setup a staging environment for your WordPress site? A staging environment is good for testing new features, code or updates before making it live. It’s never a good idea to make changes on a live website in case something goes wrong. You don’t want the world see you try on new clothes. What is…

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how to setup ssl https on your WordPress website

How To Setup SSL (HTTPs) On Your WordPress Website

Why do I need SSL and HTTPs? Lately, privacy and security issues have been all over the news – from applications and games stealing user’s information, to data breaches affecting millions of people, to the sweeping changes in EU privacy laws that have had global effects. These events really highlight how important privacy and security…

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5 Ways to Start Optimizing Your WordPress Website

This list is meant to help you optimize your WordPress website to the best of it’s ability. Some things cannot be optimized, such as how your hosting company has configured their settings, if you are using a badly coded and bloated theme, or if the plugins you use require a lot of external resource calls.…

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